Most desalination plants are used to drought-PRoof water supplies for the world’s arid urban coastal municipalities. Approximately 44% of global desalination capacity is found in the Middle East. With mega-projects of sizes reaching between 400,000 and one million m3/day, plants in the region have yielded the highest growth of new desalination projects over the past 30 years.
中文:大多数海水淡化厂用于为全球干旱的沿海城市抗旱供水。全球约 44% 的海水淡化能力位于中东地区。在过去的30年中,中东地区的海水淡化厂的规模从每天400,000立方米到100万立方米不等,是新海水淡化项目增长最快的地区。
Worldwide production of freshwater by desalination through mid-July 2022 was 120 million m3/day. Approximately 74% of the existing 20,000 desalination plants currently in oPEration use international REVERSE OSMOSIS FILM(ROFILM) brands(mainly ROFILM brands from USA) for salt separation; 21% apply thermal evaporation; and 5% employ other salt separation technologies, such as electrodialysis and ion exchange to produce freshwater. By 2024, the total worldwide desalination plant capacity is projected to reach 150 million m3/day and to nearly double by 2030, exceeding 250 million m3/day.
中文:截至 2022 年 7 月中旬,全球海水淡化淡水产量为1.2亿立方米/天。在目前运行的 20,000 个海水淡化厂中,约 74% 采用国际品牌的ROFILM反渗透技术进行盐分分离(多数ROFILM反渗透膜品牌来自美国);21% 采用热蒸发技术;5% 采用电渗析和离子交换等其他盐分分离技术生产淡水。到 2024 年,全球海水淡化厂的总产能预计将达到每天 1.5 亿立方米,到 2030 年将翻一番,超过每天 2.5 亿立方米。
在世界海水淡化领域,ROFILM反渗透膜目前可供选择的国际品牌的数量也非常多。汇总统计做参考:美国DUPONT(杜邦)的FILMTEC的SW30HRLE-400,美国OSMONICS(奥斯莫尼斯)的SW-400,美国DESAL(迪赛欧)的AE8040F,美国海德能HYDRANAUTICS的SWC4-LD,美国菲姆赛博FILMSEP的SW-400HRLE,日本东洋纺TOYOBO的HR8355FI,日本东丽TORAY的TM820-400,美国nanoh2o(LG chem)的LGSW400SR。
项目 | 美国DUPONT | 美国OSMONICS | 美国DESAL | 美国Hydranautics | 美国FILMSEP | 日本TORAY | 美国TOYOBO | 美国nanoH2O (LG chem) |
品牌 | 美国杜邦 | 美国奥斯莫尼斯 | 美国迪赛欧 | 美国海德能 | 菲姆赛博 | 日本东丽 | 日本东洋纺 | 纳诺 |
英文名称 | FILMTEC | OSMONICS | DESAL | Hydranautics | FILMSEP | ROMEMBRA | TOYOBO | nanoH2O |
品牌所在地 | 美国MN | 美国MN | 美国MN | 美国CA | 美国MN | 日本 | 日本 | 美国 |
膜材质 | 芳香聚酰胺 | 芳香聚酰胺 | 芳香聚酰胺 | 芳香聚酰胺 | 芳香聚酰胺 | 芳香聚酰胺 | 醋酸纤维素 | 芳香聚酰胺 |
膜元件型号 | SW30HRLE-400 | SW-400 | AE8040F | SWC4-LD | SW-400HRLE | TM820-400 | HR8355FI | LGSW400SR |
(直径/长度)/mm | 201/1016 | 201/1016 | 201/1016 | 201/1016 | 201/1016 | 201/1016 | 305/1291 | 201/1016 |
组件堆砌密度/m2•m-3 | 1178(400ft2) | 1178(400ft2) | 1091(370ft2) | 1178(400ft2) | 1178(400ft2) | 1178(400ft2) | 10000 | 1178(400ft2) |
有效膜面积ft 2 (m 2 ) | 400 (37.2) | 400 (37.2) | 370 (34.6) | 400 (37.2) | 400 (37.2) | 400 (37) | 400 (37) | |
产水量/m3·d-1(GDP) | 28(7500) | 24.6(6500) | 30(8000) | 24.6(6500) | 28(7500) | 24.6(6500) | 12(3175) | 22.7(6000) |
测试压力/MPa(psi) | 5.5(800) | 5.5(800) | 5.5(800) | 5.5(800) | 5.5(800) | 5.5(800) | 5.39(782) | 5.5(800) |
测试液浓度/mg·L-1 | 32000 | 32000 | 32000 | 32000 | 32000 | 32000 | 35000 | 32000 |
稳定脱盐率/% | 99.7 | 99.8 | 99.2 | 99.8 | 99.75 | 99.75 | 99.6 | 99.85 |
单支膜元件回收率/% | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 30 | 8 |
系统回收率/% | 45-60 | 45-60 | 45-60 | 45-60 | 45-60 | 45-60 | 30 | 45-60 |
测试温度/℃ | 25 | 25 | 25 | 25 | 25 | 25 | 25 | 25 |
单支膜元件重量/KG | 15(湿膜) | 15(湿膜) | 15(湿膜) | 15(湿膜) | 15(湿膜) | 15(湿膜) | 125(湿膜) | 15(湿膜) |
余氯含量/mg·L-1 | <0.1 | <0.1 | <0.1 | <0.1 | <0.1 | 0检测不到 | <1.0 | <0.1 |
连续运行pH范围 | 2-11 | 3-10 | 4.0-11.0 | 3.0-10.0 | 3-11 | 2.0-11.0 | 3-8 | 2.0-11.0 |
进水SDI15要求 | ≤5 | ≤5 | ≤3 | ≤5 | ≤5 | ≤5 | ≤4 | ≤5 |
测试液pH值 | 8 | 8 | 7.5 | 6.5-7.0 | 8 | 7 | 8 | |
最大进水压力/MPa | 8.3(1200) | 8.3(1200) | 8.3(1200) | 8.3(1200) | 8.3(1200) | 6.9(1000psi) | 5.9(8555.5) | 8.3(1200) |
单支回收率/% | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 30 | 8 |
是否能多支串联使用 | 是 | 是 | 是 | 是 | 是 | 是 | 否 | 是 |
最高运行温度/℃ | 45 | 45 | 45 | 45 | 45 | 45 | 40 | 45 |

While only around 5% of current water supply worldwide is produced by desalination, construction of new desalination plants is expected to more than double in the next decade. This can be attributed to the impact of climate change, increased demand because of population growth, limited availability of new, inexpensive terrestrial water sources, and advances in film/membrane technology that are projected to further reduce the cost and energy use of desalination.
中文:虽然目前全世界只有约 5%的供水是通过海水淡化生产的,但预计未来十年新建海水淡化厂的数量将增加一倍以上。这可归因于气候变化的影响、人口增长导致的需求增加、新的廉价陆地水源有限,以及膜技术的进步预计将进一步降低海水淡化的成本和能耗。
The steady trend of reduction of energy and costs associated with desalination, coupled with increasingly stringent regulatory requirements that drive up the cost of conventional water treatment and water reuse, are expected to accelerate reliance on the ocean as an attractive and competitive water source. This trend is forecast to continue and to further establish ocean water desalination as a reliable, drought-proof alternative for many coastal communities worldwide in the next 15 years.
中文:与海水淡化相关的能源和成本稳步下降的趋势,加上日益严格的监管要求推高了传统水处理和水再利用的成本,预计将加速对海洋的依赖,使其成为具有吸引力和竞争力的水源。预计这一趋势将持续下去,并在未来 15 年内进一步将海洋水淡化确立为全球许多沿海社区可靠、抗旱的替代水源。
High recovery SWROFILM systems
A recent trend aimed at reducing the cost of freshwater production is the use of seawater reverse osmosis (SWROFILM) system configurations that increase the desalination plant’s overall recovery from a typical range of 40-50% to a range of 55-60%.Based on full-scale testing of a high recovery system implemented recently, the energy used by the SWROFILM system for seawater salinities of 35,000 mg/l and 43,000 mg/l was 2.1 kWh/m3 and 2.9 kWh/m3, respectively. Such energy use is comparable with that of conventional SWROFILM systems with pressure exchangers operating SWROFILM system recovery, but with the key difference that the sustainable recovery of the high recovery system ranges from 10-20% more. Designing plant intake and pretreatment systems for such higher recoveries enables significant savings in capital and cost of water production for new plants, and can enhance freshwater production capacity in existing plants with relatively low capital investment.
最近,一种旨在降低淡水生产成本的趋势是使用海水反渗透 (SWROFILM) 系统配置,将海水淡化厂的总体回收率从通常的 40-50% 提高到 55-60%。根据最近对高回收率系统进行的全面测试,海水盐度为 35,000 mg/l 和 43,000 mg/l 时,海水反渗透系统的能耗分别为 2.1 kWh/m3和 2.9 kWh/m3。这样的能耗与使用压力交换器回收海水的传统 SWROFILM 系统的能耗相当,但主要区别在于高回收率系统的可持续回收率要高出 10-20%。为实现更高的回收率而设计水厂取水和预处理系统,可为新建水厂节省大量资金和制水成本,并能以相对较低的资金投入提高现有水厂的淡水生产能力。
Over the past five years, many countries with large desalination plants, such as Australia, Spain, Saudi Arabia, and elsewhere in the Middle East, have initiated the implementation of comprehensive programmes for green desalination, which aim to reduce both the amount and types of chemicals used in the production of desalinated water. These programmes will ultimately convert all existing facilities into chemical free seawater desalination plants by using the latest advancements in desalination technology and science.
Until 2010, antiscalants and sodium hydroxide were commonly applied in many desalination plants, mainly to prevent scaling associated with the removal of boron from desalinated water. Since 2011, when the World Health Organization increased the drinking water guideline limit for boron from 0.5 mg/l to 2.4 mg/l, most desalination plants discontinued the addition of sodium hydroxide and antiscalants.
中文:直到 2010 年,许多海水淡化厂还普遍使用阻垢剂和氢氧化钠,主要是为了防止海水淡化水中硼的去除产生结垢。2011 年,世界卫生组织将饮用水中硼的指导限值从 0.5 毫克/升提高到 2.4 毫克/升,自此以后,大多数海水淡化厂停止添加氢氧化钠和阻垢剂。
At present, desalination provides approximately 10% of the municipal water supply of urban coastal centres in the USA, Europe, Australia, and the Middle East, and more than 50% of the drinking water of the Gulf Cooperation Countries. By 2030, this percentage is expected to exceed 25% and 80% respectively.
中文:目前,海水淡化为美国、欧洲、澳大利亚和中东的沿海城市中心提供了约 10% 的市政供水,为海湾合作委员会国家提供了 50% 以上的饮用水。到 2030 年,这一比例预计将分别超过 25% 和 80%。
Reference:Nikolay Voutchkov, who heads a world-leading innovation centre that is breaking new boundaries in desalination, spoke at last year’s IWA LET conference. With the 2024 edition of the event coming up, he explains how the latest developments are moving the technology towards circular principles to achieve a target of zero liquid discharge that embraces renewable energy and resource recovery.